Personal Information held online

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Accessing Your Personal Information: Know Your Rights

Exploring Your Rights

Legal Entitlement: It's your legal right to access the information a company holds about you.

Two Key Methods

Accessing Your Data: Discover the two primary ways to access and manage your personal information.

1. Online Account Settings

Efficient Solution: Log in to your account and review or modify the data stored about you.

  • View and edit personal details like address, phone number, and email.
  • Delete or remove your account entirely if desired.

2. Direct Contact

Communication Channel: Reach out to the company via email or phone to inquire about your stored information.

  • Request changes to your data or address any concerns.
  • Ask for deletion of your data or closure of your account if necessary.

Subject Access Request (SAR)

Legal Enforcement: Understand the process of submitting a Subject Access Request (SAR) under data protection regulations.

  • Requires the company to provide a copy of the information they hold about you.
  • Used as a last resort due to potential complications and time-consuming nature.
  • Companies must respond within a specified timeframe.

Important Considerations

Use with Caution: Subject Access Requests should be a last resort due to potential complexities and time requirements.

  • Companies may require permission for releasing personal data of third parties.
  • Information provided will only include personally identifiable data.
  • Choose the preferred format for receiving information, whether by post or email.
Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 5 LO 13.3